剣の扱い方 How to handle swords

How to hanndle a sword
When you hold a sword, you may tighten your little fingers. But in this way, your breathing should be pressed and your shoulders are locked. Holding the sword without tightenning little fingers, your breathing keeps free (fig.1). This way likes the one to hold knives and forks when you eat. Although you hold a knife as if you touch it without tightenning little finger you can use it firmly. Like that you can handle the sword without tightenning little fingers.
At first let’s see the way to bring down a sword. With inhaling you raise a sword overhead. (fig.3) Then you start exhaling and after that bring the sword down. Don’t hold your breath after the sword gettinng down (fig.4)
Next you stick out the sword continuously. Start with inhaling you step your left foot foward and stick out the sword turning your twist so that your palm of the previous hand faces down. When finally stick out the sword you need to inhale a little more. However, instead of inhaling in the upperbody, you should breath into around the pit of the stomach. If you inhale in the upperbody you can not move free. There is also anothour way to turn the wrist to have the palm face upwards. At that way, the foot which steps out is opposite. In the series of those movements, shoulders should be always in an easy condition.
Sword practice is a breathing exercise taking things. It is a practice to aquire the breathing without stagnation. It is a exercise to connect the breathing and the bodymovement.
It is the same with cane practice. The cane practice is especially accompanied by rotational movement. The practice of linking the rotation of cane and the body leads to the techniques of bare hands. In the case of bare hands, the limbs move up and down in front of the body. The lateral movement is performed by the rotation of the body. The arm moves sideways when the arm is put forward and the body is turned. Twisting the body tightens the breathing. It disturbs the breath without stagnation.
At the beginning of practice, you will have a teacher who teachs you how to move. But you may gradually try to understand the teacher’s wards by yourself, listening to your own body, that is to your inner feeling, and look for the correct way to move. Such a practice is a repitition of simple work. But the repitition of simple movement seems to give you an opportunity to turn your mind and revew yorself. There are not two bodies with a structure that perfectly matches in detail. So there is no way that is precisely standardized. In the end, you have to get hold of it yourself.