勘、気付き Ⅰ Intuition, Awareness Ⅰ
勘、気付き と学問的認識について考えてみよう。
但し、気付きであればなんでも正しいという訳ではない。気付く人の動機とそれに同調する霊の波動がどういう性質のものかという問題がある。 (次の投稿へ続く)
Intuition, Awareness Ⅰ
There are two types of recognition methods to obtain correct knowledge. One is a particle type recognition method. We think that particle-type logical reasoning leads to correct conclusions. The other is wave-type recognition method. I think that true knowledge can be obtained by awareness. It is a hunch that goes hand in hand with both. It is a recognition obtained from the repeated trial and error of logical thinking. Putting aside established values and authority, the accumulation of efforts to see things as you feel will train your intuition. Intuition is an immportant cognitive method in not only pure intellectual realm, but also in techniques of using the body, techniques called craftsmanship, martial arts, etc.
Think about relationship between intuition, awareness, and academic recognition.
At one time, Euclidean geometry was thought to represent the universal structure of space. However, traditionally mathematicians have questioned the parallel-line axiom of Euclidean geometry. This was the intuition of mathematicians. On this intuition, non-Euclidean geometry was discovered. And then Euclidean geometry lost its status to be universal.
In physics, Newton’s classical mechanics had been holding the status to be universal. On the basis of this, Kant developed his own philosophy. However, phenomena that could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics were discovered, and it lost its status.
For exemple, in the early days of the quantum theory, radiation phenomena that cannot be explained by Newtonian mechnics was observed, and Planck discovered Planck’s formula. In this case an awareness led this formula. It was not logical reasoning that led the formula. In another case, when Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, in his words, there was a leap of ideas. That means awareness.
Even in logical studies, intuition and awareness serve as the guiding of theories. Many talented researchers made efforts, and finaly a new phase was opened by awareness.
When new academic prospect opens up, there is awareness. This realization is supported by intuition forged through rigorous trial and error. When we open up our knowledge, it seems that the intuition and awareness play more important role than logical thinking. The logical establishment of a theory is a final verification work of knowledge obtained through intuition and awareness. Though we focus on the results of our research, we don’t look at the process of getting it. But intuition plays a big role there.
And when the last awareness in research is realized, won’t the spirit give a suggestion at the same time ? As the spirit suddenly comes out, you will feel something strange. But the contents of the awareness is out of the established theoretical frame. So it is difficult to assume that the awareness comes from the researcher’s consciousness. If the awareness does not come by chance, and the law of causality works there, cann’t you assume the existence of guiding spirit behind it ? The vibrations of man and spirit resonate, and awareness will come. Awareness may be experienssed by everyone in daily life. So It seems natural to assume that we are always connected to the spirits, don’you think ?
However, not every awareness is right. There is a matter what are the nature of the motives of the person and the vibration of the spiirits that synchronize with them.
(To be continued in next contribution )