波動型認識 覚書(アンデルセン童話「裸の王様」)Wave-type Recognition : The Emperor’s New Clothes
Memorandum about Wave-type Recognition : The Emperor’s New Clothes
Everyone thinks that logical thinking should derive correct knowledge. Correct knowledge consists with reason, indeed. But reason is not always derived by logical thinking. Logical thinking can tell lies.
We know the fairy tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The king was tricked and taken his money by traveling con men and marched through the city. The nobles and adults pandered, having suspicion. Only children could see the truth. This fairy tale concisely expresses the difference between rationalistic thinking and wave-type recognition. Rationalistic thinking, which tries to logically justify and realize motives,follows particle logic. In fairy tail, traveling scammers did it. On the other hand, the children saw the truth without logic. This is wave-type recognition.
The recognition method of particle type is carried out by accumulating logical thinking based on the contradictory rule and exclusion rule. These rules are extracts from the structure of the physical world. On the other hand, the characteristics of wave are superposition and resonance. The wave-type recognition depends on resonance.
By the way, we express our thoughts with words. But thoughts occur in mind before words. You may have such experience. That is, when you face your friend, you understand each other directly without words. This is wave-type recognition. Wave-type recognition is expressed as intuition. It can be said that it is a resonance between truth and consciousness.
After a lot of perticle-type thinking to search the truth, wave-type recognition apears as the last step to overcoming the limits of particle-type thinking.
Descartes said ” I think, therefore I am ” . These are the words that sparked after doubting everything that could be doubted. Did these words originally exsist in Descartes’ head ? This is a typical example of wave-type recognition. Descartes’ words were probably not in the Western contemplation for more than a thousand years, so it is difficult to think that they came out of Descartes’ head. I think it is better to think that words were inserted into his mind from outside. Isn’t it fair to think that ther is some kind of beeing with intention,that is spirit, and that gave the words as suggestion to respond to the desire to seek answer earnestly. Suggestions seem to be given when particle-type thinking is done seriously and come to the end to stop thinking. Therefor, if you don’t know particle-type thinking, wave-type recognition can be rearised immediately. In the fairy tale “The Emoeror’s New Clothes”, children did it.
We have encounters with various problems in our lives. At such times, some idea that you can’t imagine comes up in your mind as the solution. Where does it come from? It can be concidered that it is a suggestion from the spirit. Wave-type recognition is obtained through the resonance of consciousness with the spirit. It seems that we are communicating with spirits without realizing it in our daily lives.
I don’t understand wave-type recognition well. I’ll investigate it further. If you are intersted in wave-type recognition, please study about it yourself.