呼吸法から静座法へ(概要) Breathing Exercise and Sitting Method (outline)
息を吐くとは、心に抱えた想いを吐き出すことであり、言葉に成らない想いを、信頼する人、親しい友、に心を開いて投げ掛けることである。そして息を吸うとは親しい友の想いに耳を傾けることである。呼吸法をする時には語り掛ける相手を 天地 と思ってみよう。こういう思いで呼吸法を続けているとしだいに息が楽になって来る。これを暫く続けてから、呼吸法を終わる。心に清々しを感ずるだろう。
『 敢えて求める勿れ 』
Brething exersise and sitting method (outline)
When you maintain your hip up, your spine naturally stretches. And make your upper body comfortable . This posture is familiar to your body, and the chest opens. Breathing will pass without stagnation. Place your hands on the knees with your palms open. Then breathe in with all your chest and exhale through your mouth thoroughly. And then inhale through the nose. Exhaling through the mouth, you imagine that you exhale the thoughts you have in your heart. Throw your thoughts to the universe. With this intention, you exhale and go. Then, your breathing will gradually become easier and quieter. Continue this for a while. Then finish the breathing exercise. You will feel refreshed in your heart.
“Talking” has the meaning of venting one’s own thoughts. When you talk to the other, you alsow throw your thoughts at yourself, and we feel our hearts liberated and purified by resonating with each other. This is the meaning of exhaling from the mouth. Breathing exersise means that you talk to yourself.
Next, Sitting method.
What you exhale in the breathing exercise are the thoughts on the surface of consciousness. As you exhale, the layer of consciousness from which you exhale gradually gets deep. As you do so, the way you exhale becomes quieter. Then the exhale is transferred from the mouth to the nose. Exhale quietly through the nose with the intention of aiso speaking to the universe. Or you exhale your thoughts as if you were talking to a guardian spirit. Acording to reliable sirit world messages, each human being has a guargian spirit. That is, just to your guardian spirit throw you your deep inner thoughts that even you are not aware of. The answer from the guardian spirit will be given unexpectedly. Or no answer. But that may be the answer. No answer is one of the answers.
By exhaling the thoughts hidden in our mind outward and clearing our consciousness, the vibration of the guardian spirit reach deep into our consciousness and resonate with it. That’s what we aim to do with the breathing exercise and the sitting method. But it is obviously so difficult to achieve it that we must continue to try it.