唯物史観・民主主義 Materialistic View of History and Democracy
Materialistic view of history and Democracy
I will briefly consider about revolution and democracy.
Class conflict is the fundamental driving force that moves history, and when conflict dissolves, it goes through violent process. The power relations between the clsses tilt toward the ruling class over time, resulting in the overthrow of the goverment. This is the scientific law of history. I understand that this is materialistic dialectical view of history. However, behind the class conflict is the fundamental self-interest of the human mind, and in order for the relationship between classes to change, it is necessary to change the physical condition of production technology.
The social system is based on division of labour on production technology. The people responsible for the division of labour are divided to groups and fixed, and the desier for wealth and power works to establish the ruling system with the groups as clsses. When the production technology developes, a new system of division of labour corresponding to that technology will be demanded. In the process of social change in accordance with this requirement, resistance of those who hold vested interests arises, and the change takes violent course. This was the French Revolution.
On the other hand, the Communist Revolution was not an overthrow of the system promted by the development of production technology, but an attempt to artificially overthrow the system by preemting history, considering the materialistic view of history to be true. And the deveropment of production technology was tried to be realized after the seizure of power. However, in the revolutions of the Soviet Union and China, it was not possible to achieve the development of production technology on its own, and had to rely on developed countries. In the end, what Soviet Union and China accomplished while calling it a revolution was not the overthrow of the dictationship, but the replacement of the dictator. It is impossible for even violence to change the system where the physical conditions have not changed. It is a riot.
I think that there is rationalistic attitude of thinking behind the communistic revolution. In the mind of revolutionaries lurks motives that convinced them of the materialistic view of history. It is desier for destruction, and lust for power, which was exposed after the seizure of power in the last revolutions.
By the way, in the revolutions of Soviet Union and China there were horrific genocides called purge. The French Revolution also performed horrific dramas. That is guillotine. Robespierre himself died under the guillotine. Imagine that you were witnessing these scenes. If someone told me that behind the revolution evil spirits acted in secret, I would nod.
The regime transition takes violent process, because the rulers of the old regime cling to vested interests. This attachment comes from the lust for wealth and power. Therefore, if this lust can be controled psychologically, it may be possible to realize the regime transition without going through violent orocess or with minimal violence. The Glorious Revolution in England and the bloodless opening of Edo Castle in Japan may be rare examples in the history.
On a different note, the idea of freedom is born when we conscious of non-freedom. Freedom is the discomfort of non-freedom. Equality is the same, expressing displeasure with inequality. Freedom and equality are emotion-based ideas that do not have any substance. If there are ten people, there are ten freedom and there are ten equals. Democracy is a way of thinking that, recognizing the selfishness of individuals, tries to realize an orderly society that adjusts them and does not cause murder cases. Freedom and equality are the banners of democracy. If you think about the society for a moment, you can see that if everyone tries to let their willfulnessf through, society will be in chaos. Willfulness and freedom aim in opposite direction. People believe that freedom is a real and tangible idea that exists in abstract space, and they chase it.Then society comes into confusion. Fall into self-trap. This is typical of rationalist thinking. We should look at the motive behind the thinking that are manipulating thinking itself.The motive of willfulness is the destruction of others. Aren’t there examples in th world, changing the name tag willfulness to right, to try to lead the society to chaos? You can get it when you look at what they do or what they try to do, not what they say.
Democratic system is one of the achievements of the evolution of societies created in the material world. There are several types of social system, aristocracy, feudalism,or dictatorship,etc. Democratic system is suitable for the society with sufficiently developed production technology. However, it is premised on individual selfishness. So it always contains the possibility of conflict. It increases the grip of desire for wealth and power and sometimes produces great misfortune accompanied by violence. Even democratic society can’t get out of unfortune strives
Isn’t it now time in history for us to learn how to controle our own selfishness?
I hope that the breathing method will contribute to that.