Thought and Motivation (scecret of logical thinking )

People act on motives. Thinking is also an action that we do with our brains, and it is also based on motivation. Thinkers use their brains to justify their motives. Thinkers claim that the ideas they have formulate are universal truths. But it is impossibel to find universal truths using the finite abilities of human beings. A major basis for supporting universality is that the process of thinking does not violate the low of contradiction and excluded middle. But that does not guarantee universality. Logical thinking starts from premises, which are outside the realm of logic. If the premise is logically derived, then another premise for that is nessesary. And this goes back to where it goes. In the end, the premise is chosen by the thinker from among the things that are given. The premise is, for example, common sense, historical facts, scientific truths, ets. ( It is possible to fabricate facts and make assumptions,but this is out of the question. ) In the process of developing further logic, related matters are introduced. But they are always accompanied by interpretation, and the way to interpret is left to the decretion of the thinker. Motivation intervenes in the choice of this premise, in the interpretation of things. Thinker chose out the premises and interpretations that can convenientrly justify the motive of thinker. That is, thought is something that starts from the premise chosen by the motive, interjects the interpretation of matter, and finally tries to justify the motive. It forms a circle that starts from the motive and returns to the motive. However this part of the motivation is hidden behind logic. Thinkers themselves often seem anware of their own motives.

People have various motives. And they are mainly supported by selfishness that demands the maintenance of physical life. In an era when the structure of society is fundamentaly transformed, the world is in turmoil, people are caught up in anxiety, and they naturally seek a certain world. This motivates the thinker to make an intellectual effort to create a solid world in abstract space. And result is thought. This can be considered as a function of selfishness that demands the maintenance of life. On the other hand, selfishness gives rise to material desires. This can be a motive for the creatin of thoughts. Some thinkers take advantage of the tormoil in society to realize their own selfish desires, justifing them with skillful logical thinking.

When we try to understand thought, the logical development is natullaly noted. But first, we need to identify the motivations that encourage the thinker to think. If you can identify the motive, you can see through the logical path that leads to the conclusion. If we only follow the logical development of ideas without looking at the motives, we may be encouraged to act in the wrong way.