We think that it is the muscles that move the body, and we are not very conscious of breathing when we move. Let’s do the following experiment. A bends his arm a little and holds it out, and then bends and extends his arm. At that time, B tries to suppress the movement of A’s arm. If A breathes easily, then B cannot bend A’s arm with considerable power. (Image 1)
First, let’s extend the arm. A tries to extend the arm from the position of the first arm, putting his power into the arm. B tries to stop A’s arm, also putting his power. This is a power comparison. This time, B does the same, A makes the upper body easy, and A extends the arm while inhaling. Then A can extend the arm more easily than when power is put.(Image 2)
This time, let’s bend the arm. A holds out his arm like the beginning, and tried to bend it with power, holding his breath. B tries to stop A’s arm in the same way as above. Next, A tries the same thing while exhaling. Then A can bend his arm more easily than when A holds his breath.(Image 3)
This seems surprising. But if you image the human body as a balloon, you can understand that well. Balloon swells when air is put in, arms extend, and arms shrink when air comes out. This is the work of air pressure. The human body is the same, if you breathe in, your arms will stretch, and breathe out ,shrink. The power used here is called ” Breathing power ” 『呼吸力』.
It is often said that the body cannot move when inhaling, but it is possible to move the body even when inhaling. Though, how to inhale is a problem. The important thing is to inhale easily without stagnation. And exhaling is the same. If you hold your breath, your body will harden and you will not be able to use your breathing power.